Posted by Lilian on January 17, 2011

Phote by Luigi Diamati from
Q: A loving relationship should be made up of two equal partners. How can we ensure that the stronger of the two does not overpower the weaker one and swallow him or her?
Posted by Lilian on December 16, 2010

Q: I have a lot of trouble letting go of things: relationships, jobs, feelings, and so on. How can I reduce these attachments?
Start the New Year off with mindfulness. Make a serious pledge to yourself. Begin writing a Mindful New Year’s Resolution. This resolution is a promise to yourself, and putting it in writing will help you see clearly what you intend to achieve in the coming months. People who make resolutions are likely to be more successful in changing their behavior than people who do not.
Begin with this New Beginnings Meditation if you’d like help in creating your mindfulness resolution:
Posted by Editor on December 1, 2010

Q. How can we practice consistent mindfulness in a world that seems to demand hurrying and rushing wherever we go? Is it possible to be mindfully busy and mindfully hurried?
Posted by Lilian on September 15, 2010
Incorporating mindful movement/exercise into our lives should always be this fun! Dance is a natural, dynamic form of expression that can also provide quite a work out.
The mental release provoked by dance is often good for clearing the mind, allowing us to focus on and enjoy movement. Opportunities to experience dance are countless and ever expanding, so you can find a style that works toward your healthy living goals.
Two forms of dance I’ve recently become fond of are:
Posted by Lilian on September 3, 2010
Singers and yoga lovers know this trick well. It’s simply diaphragm breathing. Breathing in to your diaphragm instead of your chest cavity allows for deeper, longer breaths and enables this quick do-it-anywhere exercise:
Breathe in slowly through your nose, filling your belly, instead of your chest. (it may help to place your hands on you stomach, to guide the air and feel the expansion)
Posted by Lilian on August 6, 2010

"when I go shopping, when I cook, and when I eat, I shall give rise to mindfulness and not bring into my body the kind of food which makes me heavy and unwell."
– Thich Nhat Hanh
Posted by Lilian on August 4, 2010
This 5 minute video from Plum Village brightened my day. I offer it to you for a break from the usual and inspiration for loving wholly.
The video describes that learning to truly love is the essence of mindful living. True love consists of friendship, compassion, joy and non discrimination.
Posted by Lilian on July 5, 2010
Buddha is a Sanskrit word for the one who is awake.
Anyone can become a Buddha, as Thich Nhat Hanh says:
"When you begin to practice Buddhism you begin as a part-time buddha and slowly you become a full-time buddha. Sometimes you fall back and become a part-time buddha again, but with steady practice you become a full-time buddha again. Buddhahood is within reach because, like the Buddha, you’re a human being. You can become a buddha whenever you like; the Buddha is available in the here and now, anytime, anywhere."
Posted by Lilian on June 17, 2010
Thank you Fab Over 50, I'm happy to share Savor with your beautiful community.
