Posted by Editor on June 27, 2013

Chelsea is a senior from Emerson College majoring in Marketing and Health Communications. She is interning with me at Harvard School of Public Health this summer.
“The More You See, The More You Know” -Aldous Huxley
Posted by Lilian on November 10, 2011
Members of the Nutrition department at the Harvard School of Public Health have been advising Google food service to ensure healthy choices since 2009. During this summer, Google executive chef and nutritionist Olivia Wu and I discussed the appropriate portion size for desserts. Since all Google meals are free and employees get unlimited servings, I commented that it’s important for Googlers to learn about mindful eating along with healthy portion sizes and the nutrition of their food.
Posted by Lilian on January 13, 2011

Photo by Federico Stevani from
Regular physical exercise improves our health more than any other single factor, aside from the decision not to smoke. Exercise also has a profound impact on brain functioning.