Posted by Guest on June 3, 2013

Heart quickening, palms sweating, I wonder – what’s wrong with me? It’s just a networking event. Other times the panic feels more justified as I stand on stage, anticipating the expectations of awaiting eyes.
Posted by Guest on April 11, 2013

Is it possible – guilt free brownies? Oh Yes. These rich morsels satisfy our sweet tooth and pose no threat to our waistline or our health. Four simple ingredients combine for chewy, sweet, chocolate squares that are ready to eat in less than thirty minutes.
Think it’s too good to be true? I did too until my friend Kelsey showed me how it’s done:
Posted by Guest on January 18, 2013

Thich Nhat Hanh says the way to lessen our fear is to wrap it tightly in compassionate arms and squeeze. But before we can embrace our fear, we have to meet it. Yes - consciously call our fear up from the depths of hiding, to say hello.
Fear often comes with companions; anxiety, resistance, excuses. That’s ok. We can accept them too.
Posted by Guest on December 13, 2012

"To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself." - Thich Nhat Hanh
Posted by Guest on August 27, 2011
The San Francisco Bay Area is known for its innovative, delicious, and healthy culinary options. Ingredients are always fresh—half of U.S.-grown fruits, nuts and vegetables come from California. Vegetarian and vegan options are especially abundant, making it an ideal place to eat a full-time, or part-time, plant-based diet.
Posted by Guest on October 26, 2010
by Diana Rosinus
Why do we resist mindfulness? Why do we choose to deny acting in ways we know to be healthy? Our resistance seems to stem from our perceived limitations (those oh-so-familiar excuses!), but in the moments when we are able to be centered and mindful, these limitations begin to crumble before us like dried up castles of sand.