Posted by Lilian on March 2, 2012

I offer you this blog as a place to begin if you are new to mindfulness, and a place to return if you are a meditator who has fallen out of practice. We all face hardships that sometimes block us from our internal light. Please use this post to touch base with yourself and begin afresh. In this moment, you have everything necessary to live fully and truly.
Posted by Lilian on September 22, 2011
Posted by Lilian on March 26, 2011

Soy, a member of the pea family, is a subtropical plant that originated in Southeast Asian. For at least 5,000 years it has been a dietary staple in Asian countries. In the 1700 and 1800s soy spread to Europe and America. Now half of all soybean production takes place in the Midwestern United States. (Mayo Clinic)