Posted by Lilian on July 26, 2013

Within each and every one of us lie the seeds of compassion. In times of shocking disasters, like the Boston Marathon bombings, we saw complete strangers manifest their compassion as they instantly took action to help the victims despite the unknown and the chaos.
Posted by Lilian on July 11, 2013

Sometimes referred to as "the happiest man in the world," French biochemist-turned-buddhist monk, Matthieu Ricard states that "authentic happiness is not linked to an activity; it is a state of being."
Posted by Lilian on July 3, 2013

This Fourth of July let’s do more than celebrate our right to pursue happiness – let’s go deeper. Take a moment to consider – what makes you truly happy?
If any of your answers boil down to freedom then you’re in good company: the founding fathers, the Buddha and saints of many faith traditions. Why is it then that the American population, which holds this value in such esteem, exhibits overwhelming rates of depression, anxiety and obesity?
Posted by Lilian on June 20, 2013

Apricots, avocados, berries and tomatoes! Summer is a season of rich colors and juicy bites: mother earth’s invitation to savor.
Seize this opportunity to walk warmth and refreshing summer rain. Inhale the sweet smells of pollen, flowers, herbs, and ripe fruit. Treat yourself to the farmers market and take your time. Peruse each stall that interests you and inspect the items you choose with care.
Posted by Lilian on June 13, 2013

In March 2005, officer Kevin Briggs employed loving speech and compassionate listening to lure twenty-two year old Kevin Berthia off of the Golden Gate Bridge railing.
Posted by Lilian on May 29, 2013
Posted by Lilian on May 24, 2013

I got this delicious recipe when I attended the 2013 World of Healthy Flavors conference at the Culinary Institute of America in Napa Valley. Ana Sortun is a famous chef in the Boston area who has been cited as one of the best creative fusion practitioners in the US. Her restaurant Oleana in Cambridge, MA, offers a unique style of foods influenced mostly by the cuisines of Turkey, Lebanon, and Greece. Her husband’s farm, Siena Farms, provides Sortun’s restaurant with all of its fresh produce.
Posted by Lilian on May 16, 2013
Posted by Lilian on May 12, 2013

Intention transforms our being. When our mind and body act as one, each muscle is imbued with intuitive tenderness and we’re available to relay the depth of our love for another. If you’re lucky enough to be near mom this Mothers’ Day, delight in your ability to hug her.
Posted by Lilian on April 25, 2013

When we act mindfully, we breathe life into our day. Where agitation once reigned, peace and spaciousness take root. Even the most mundane tasks can become refreshing.
In fact, mundane tasks are perfect vehicles for mindfulness because they are simple and repetitive. Try savoring the act of doing dishes. You have to do them anyway, right? Why not see if the experience can enhance your day instead of detract from it?