Kale Season


‘Tis the season of kale. Famers along the west coast of America are harvesting this cool-weather crop right now.

Whether you prefer a green or purple hue, this leafy plant of the cabbage family is high in vitamin C, vitamin K and calcium. In recent years, various forms of kale have become wildly popular: kale chips, salad & soup + stand alone sides: steamed or seared. Kale is not only versatile but also inexpensive.

This hearty plant is relatively easy to care for. If you love the taste, try growing your own!

Allie’s Easy Kale Salad


Lacinto or Green Kale
Shredded Carrots
Shredded Beets
Chopped Green Onions
Dried Cranberries
Toasted Sesame Seeds
Vinaigrette (white wine vinegar, dijon, agave, extra virgin olive oil)


Massage the salad with your hands to incorporate.

What’s your favorite way to eat kale?

Photo by Photofarmer, from the Creative Commons. 


hi! I thought you'd be interested in a book that is just in the final stages of editing called The Book of Kale, written by me....published by Harbour (Canada). It's got 80+ recipes...plus a chapter on history and nutrition, and complete growing instructions for growing kale in gardens, pots, microgreens etc. It's already on Amazon (crazy) though not published until probably Marched or April.



I used to like kale. This year I noticed a lots of the bugs on the leaves. It really turn me off. It sticks on the leaves, it is very hard to wash off. Other than that, I like kale.
